OPPO Watchface Design
项目名称:OPPO Watchface Design
设计范围:UI&UX设计· 用户体验设计
项目简介:OPPO Watch 时光与永恒系列表盘设计,追寻时光轨迹,见证永恒时刻。时间经年累月雕刻着万物生灵,时间的进程就像流水,人们对于情感,生命,回忆,人生轨迹的凝练,定格,并成为永恒。时光与永恒系列表盘设计构思来自人类文明发展中的艺术,工业,建筑,科技。结合OPPO Watch的产品特性和品牌调性设计,用户佩戴的表盘不只是数字而是未曾经历的历史,正在经历的当下,还有对未来世界的探索,让每一次抬起手腕触动表盘那一刻都充满仪式感。
本系列每个表盘分为深色和浅色两个模式(Dark Mode & Light Mode),用户也可以选择设置自动昼夜切换模式,浅色和深色模式加起来一共24个表盘对应着一天24小时。
Project:The design concept of the dial plate of Time&eternity Watchface Design originates from art, industry, architecture, and technology in the development of human civilization. Combined with these conceptual designs, the dial plate worn by the users is not just numbers but an unexperienced history, the current experience, and the exploration of the future world, so that every time the users lift the wrist and touch the dial plate, it is full of sense of ritual. Each dial plate in this series has Dark Mode & Light Mode, users can also choose to set the mode of automatic day & night switching. For light and dark mode, in total there are 24 dial plates that are corresponding to 24 hours a day. |