Ins For Renascence
项目名称:腾讯AI加速器项目新机保贝(Ins for renascence)
设计范围:互联网保险 · 品牌设计 · 网站设计 · 手机H5页面设计 · UI&UX设计· 用户体验设计
对不同类型的人身险产品精准定价。通过基于大数据风控评级和保险产品定制,提升保险公司产品竞争力和客户服务体验, 为保险公司提供个人及团体客户风险
Project:Ins for Renascence-a new accelerator program of Tencent AI, is dedicated to provide professional revolution and technical service for Internet insurance. Based on
data base, machine learning, cloud computing, and combined knowledge mapping of clinical medicine with AI, it can make current risk evaluation more accurate,
forecast the risk trend of future, take pre-action to reduce the possibility of risk, so that the insurance companies can make precise pricing on different kinds of life
insurance products. In other word, it increased the technical service of customer online evaluation and the custom-made method of internet insurance products. |