
设计范围: 产品营销宣传 · 平面设计 · 手机H5页面设计 · UI&UX设计 · 用户体验设计
项目简介:ThinkPad X1隐士系列高性能笔记本营销全案设计,ThinkPad X1隐士系列专门为商务人士以及设计师定制的高端笔记本电脑。
设计师的原力灵动闪烁来展现 ThinkPad X1 高强劲的高端机能。

Project:ThinkPad X1 hermit series dedicated high-end notebooks for business people and designers. The main visual design combines
the traditional Chinese shadow play with the light and flexible paper-cut art style and the concept of technology elements. The combination
of humanities and technology is designed in a digital graphic style, allowing the light and shadow to flash with the designer's original strength
to show the strong and powerful ThinkPad X1. High-end performance.




设计细节 · Design details



设计构思 · Design Concept



设计说明 · Design Notes



手机端设计 · Mobile phone design



移动端广告 · Mobile advertising



网站广告 · Website advertising



移动端UX · Mobile UX



网站UX · Website UX



实机演示视频:手机端 · Demo video



设计延展 · Extended design



壁纸设计 · Wallpaper design



户外广告 · Outdoor Advertising



户外广告 · Outdoor Advertising



户外广告 · Outdoor Advertising



户外广告 · Outdoor Advertising



商场广告 · Shopping mall advertising



品牌购物袋 · Brand shopping bag



纸杯设计 · Paper cup design


杂志插图 · Magazine illustration



销售终端 · Sales terminal



抱枕设计 · Pillow design



保温杯设计 · Insulation cup design



USB储存盘 · USB storage disk



手机壳设计 · Mobile phone case design



品牌衣服设计 · Branded clothes design



日历设计 · Calendar design



电视广告 · Television advertising


设计过程 · Designing process
